extra links and stuff

joeys house

ok so bfore i decided to make a comic i was originally gonna tell the story with a roblox game n stuff but then i actually had to learn lua and i was like "fuuukckckkck this im too stupid for that" so now i just have his house. there are a few things that r differnt from how his final house is rn but i dont feel like going onto studio and fixing them. everything except for the knife on the kitchen counter and the toilet were made by me in roblox studio (even though i could totally just download blender or something and it wouldve been wayyyy easier). anyways please feel free to visit the game and Maybe Perhaps buy one of the two pieces of clothing i have for sale in my group *pleading face in an ironic way*

Beware! it opens roblox (if u have it dowloaded) when u click on it.

some of my notable everskies avis

my username is soupsoup feel free to sign my guest book!

my tamanotchi!!

i totally forgot this existed and i made one like a year ago lawl.@&(*@&* im jsut putting it here for funsies

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

also heres my touhou.se account hiiii. not a lot of art there cuz most of the stufff i draw is fan art and th is for ocs SOOOOOO!!!!! .. check it out anyways xoxoxoxoxo